Happy 4th of July- The Freedom to Invest
This 4th July is a celebration of independence. The celebration is the US leaving the rule of UK which is the birth of the US. Independence is very important. In the investing world, independence can also be important. We should also celebrate our freedom to have so many investing options, asset classes, risks, and account…
Dinosaurs and Pension Runs
Dinosaurs once roamed earth many years ago. They ruled for a time period then disappeared because of lack of sun, weather, or other unknown reasons. There are different opinions on why the dinosaurs disappeared. Although dinosaurs did rule earth, change happens unexpectedly. This can be seen with pensions and their risk. Recent bank failures were…
How Safe is Your Cash?
Bank Alternatives for Cash Sometimes cash is like an egg and you just want to sit on it to protect it as a safety net. Save it for a rainy day. But, how safe is it to sit on cash? It’s not like you want to intentionally shatter your precious eggs, right? During times of…
Best Time to Backdoor a Roth IRA
Bears are interesting animals. Bears are known to walk slowly but can be ferocious. If you’ve ever seen the power of a bear, you’d know what I mean. A perfect example of the power of a bear is the Hollywood movie scene “The Revenant” with Leonardo DiCaprio1 playing Hugh Glass getting mauled by a bear.…
A combination of a dragging economy and inflation is Dragflation. But there are benefits. Our economy is dragging. With about 40,000 layoffs1 for 2022, the US recession is here. With these employee layoffs, more companies will announce more automation with robots and artificial intelligence (AI). We see this currently with Amazon Q2 earnings as they…
Unicorn Layoff & Employee 401K IRA Rollover
The rollercoaster ride of being in a tech startup can be exhilarating. Employees all have a ticking desire to change the world with energy and buzz in the work place atmosphere. Although the ups are good, the downs have some rough turbulence on employees. Startups are like rocket ships, after a few booster engines the…
Interest Rates: It’s a Question of Time
Remember Depeche Mode? You know the 80’s New Wave band? They blasted through the US charts. One of their iconic album’s was called “Black Celebration”. This album was a sensation. One particular song of interest from the album was “A Question of Time”. Lyrics: It’s just a question of timeAnd it’s running out for youIt…
Cyber Criminals & Holidays
Because of COVID-19, we have seen an increase in cyber crimes. The holidays are here which is a perfect time for cyber criminals. It’s a perfect time because more people are working from home using their personal electronic devices and shopping online. Every day precautions should be made to help minimize cyber crimes. A recent…
How to ATM a Unicorn
This is no Aprils Fools… This is another case of unicorn slaying. Lets see how this slay unfolds. Recently Spotify issued a $1B convertible debt from TPG, Dragoneer, and Goldman Sachs clients. We will call them the VC mob (VCM). Terms: VCM can convert the debt to equity at a 20% discount of the IPO…
The Unicorn Disappearing Act
If the public markets are any sign of the future, unicorn valuations will be difficult to understand. Public companies are an indicator of comparable private companies. Public companies are also the most comparable to any private business when seeking valuations because they are constantly being priced during the day with various buyers and sellers. Although…